Meet the newest kid on the block.

Please allow me to introduce myself—Hi, my name is Josh and I’m your new lunch hour DJ. While most of the voices you hear on Clear 94 have been in the business for years, I am just dipping my toes in the water for the first time. I have spent the last 10 years honing my voice on the headset of a local Taco Bell drive-thru. Little did I know that it would lead to a job in radio, which has been my dream since I was a teenager.

Growing up on the radio hits of the 80’s and early 90’s, I love music with great hooks to sing along with and beats that make you dance like no one is watching. I love to smile and I love music that makes me do that! I am obsessed with music and I have stayed up until the early hours having those musical debates that we’ve all had, and that’s what I wanna do here with our listeners.

The highs and lows of the state of country music today, hidden gems that don’t get enough love, or maybe just pictures of my derpy Great Dane, it will all be up for discussion. Plus, I plan to bring you along as I experience my 1st year in radio, from the overwhelming anxiety to adrenaline highs that can only come from working behind the mic. So tune in and hold on, this could be fun!